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My Life Became Bright When I Truly Improved

Sept. 21, 2021 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’d like to tell you some of the deeply moving experiences I’ve had after I began practicing Falun Dafa over 20 years ago.

On a whim, I borrowed the book Zhuan Falun from my colleague on January 4, 1998. I tried to finish reading in one night, but I couldn’t. The next day I told her that I couldn’t give the book back because I hadn’t finished it yet. I continued reading, and my husband asked me why I was so intrigued with this book.

He said that Falun Dafa doesn’t encourage people to practice in order to cure their illnesses. I said, “That’s not why I’m so fascinated with Zhuan Falun—I am in good health. I’m interested in cultivation.” After I discharged some dark matter that smelled like Chinese and Western medicine, I realized that Master was cleansing my body.

I was so excited I couldn’t sleep that night! I always stretch my legs as soon as I wake up. That morning, my toes touched the end of the bed and my back made a small noise. I felt relaxed and light. I later learned that my lumbar herniation was gone. When I rode my bike it felt like someone was pushing me forward.

One day I suddenly remembered a 20-yuan note I had found. Before I started practicing Falun Dafa, I picked up a 20-yuan bill at my work. When I asked my coworkers, no one said they had lost any money. When it was time to go home, one woman told me the money was hers. I said, “Then why didn’t you say it was yours when I asked?” I refused to give it to her. She was not happy. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I regretted the way I had acted. I returned the money and apologized to her. She told the other coworkers about this.

As I studied the Fa more, I realized another problem I had. I worked in a textile factory, so I took cloth home. I took a lot but didn’t feel bad because everyone took some home. But after I began practicing Falun Dafa, I knew I needed to follow its principles—Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. If I didn’t improve my xinxing (mind nature, or character), my cultivation was in vain. So I collected the cloth that I had brought home and returned it to the factory. Afterwards I felt at ease.

The Persecution Begins

I had only practiced Dafa for one year when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Dafa in July 1999. They mobilized all the media in China to slander Dafa. The leaders and colleagues in my company badmouthed Dafa. But they knew that I was a good person, so they didn’t persecute me—instead they praised me.

I clarified the truth to everyone I met. “Falun Dafa is good. Don’t listen to the propaganda on TV, which is false,” I said. Everyone gradually learned the truth. Then the “self-immolation incident” was broadcast on TV. I told them it was a hoax and pointed out the loopholes. The leaders acknowledged me and increased my salary. I was a responsible worker and was promoted to be a manager.

When I wasn’t busy, I swept the floor. I boiled water for tea and heated my coworker’s lunches. I reminded myself to live by Dafa’s principles. If something bothered me, I reflected on myself to see what was wrong with me. Whenever there were conflicts, I apologized. At the same time, I clarified the truth to my colleagues, engineers and leaders in my factory. I clarified the truth to whoever I met, either at the repair site or on my way to the cafeteria. I didn’t want anyone to be deceived by the CCP’s lies and hate Falun Dafa.

Truly Cultivating Myself

One day my mother-in-law asked me to buy her a coat. I bought one but she didn’t like it. I immediately exchanged it. She didn’t like the new one, but she didn’t say anything. Six months later, she said she didn’t want it and gave it to me. I didn’t say anything even though it was too small for me. I took it to a seamstress and had it enlarged.

One day she said that she couldn’t find the 10,000 yuan in cash she had hidden inside a quilt. I had taken the quilt outside to air it out. She suspected that I took the money and said some sharp words that made me feel uncomfortable. But I forbore her criticism and didn’t talk back.

I told her the following story. In ancient times, a doctor went to see a patient at his home. When the doctor returned home, the patient’s son came to see him. The son said 11 ounces of silver was missing from their home. The doctor gave the son 11 ounces of silver. Several days later the son came to see the doctor again and said they found the silver and that they had falsely accused the doctor. The son returned the silver.

I told my mother-in-law, “Wait for your son to come home and have a look.” When my husband came home, he found the money in her closet. Two weeks later she asked me what I would have done if she didn’t find the money. I said that I would have given her 10,000 yuan. I was not happy in my heart, but I forbore her accusation.

Practicing Filial Piety

My husband has four siblings. He is the eldest. Out of four brothers, I am the only one who took care of my in-laws. I cooked, washed and cleaned for them without any complaints for more than 20 years. I never asked for any money to help with the expenses. Even if they offered me money, I didn’t take it because I practice Falun Dafa. My father-in-law once told me that I treated him better than his own children. He passed away in 2005 at the age of 83. I continued looking after my mother-in-law until she passed away at the age of 96.

An elderly, childless couple lived across the street. The husband passed away in his eighties. The wife lived alone and few people came to see her. She looked lonely, so I always helped her. Over the years I used my own money and bought her clothes and daily necessities. I didn’t tell my mother-in-law or my husband. My mother-in-law often quarreled with the old woman, so my husband refused to talk to her. This year she turned 101 and went to a nursing home.

It was extremely cold last winter. I saw an elderly man pushing a scooter in the street. I talked to him about Dafa and learned that his scooter was broken and he couldn’t find a repair shop. It was freezing cold, but he didn’t have any gloves. I took mine off and gave them to him. He was very touched.

One day I talked to an elderly lady. After I told her about Dafa, she said she liked my hat because it looked beautiful. I immediately took it off and gave it to her. She wanted to give me money, but I refused to take it.

One day I was hit by a car while crossing a street on my bicycle. My back was in excruciating pain, and I struggled to stand up. The driver sent me to the hospital and had a scan done. One of my vertebrae was fractured. I told the driver that I was okay and told him to go home. My husband was furious and severely scolded me. My parents also scolded me.

I didn’t say anything but recited Master’s teaching all night,

“Dafa is what you carry everywhere,Zhen Shan Ren, rooted in the mind;A great Arhat walks the earth,Gods and demons fear with awe.”(“Benevolent Might,” Hong Yin)

I got up early the next morning and practiced the first set of Dafa exercises. I cooked for my husband, did the laundry, and didn’t think about the bone fracture. I recovered quickly.

I returned all the money the driver gave me and told him about Dafa and the persecution. He was very touched and said that he would tell all the people in his village that “Falun Dafa is good!”