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My Once Sickly Son Grew Up to Be an Outstanding Young Man Thanks to Falun Dafa

April 14, 2023 |   By Meixin, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) My son was born prematurely. At the age of three, he was still unable to talk. He was often bullied by classmates in elementary school. After I was imprisoned for upholding my belief, he went to a boarding school. Blessed by Falun Dafa, a traditional Chinese spiritual discipline for mind and body, he grew up to be an outstanding young man even under such a harsh environment.

My son was born a month and a half prematurely, weighing less than six pounds. At one month he still could not open his eyes, and his lips were always purple. When he was one and a half years old, he was misdiagnosed as having intestinal stasis and had surgery. Since then, he came down with a fever and cough every month, my husband and I often spent nights at the hospital with him.

My son could not talk when he was three. I heard people talking behind my back saying that my son was retarded. Things got worse when he went to school. He was smaller and weaker than kids of the same age, and he was bullied by them.

I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1999 and I benefited both physically and mentally within a short time. I asked my son to join me in the practice. He said he would during the summer break. However, on July 20 that year, the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution of Falun Dafa. Doing the exercises in public was no longer allowed. He was 11 years old at that time.

We started to read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, and do the five Dafa exercises at home. Since then he no longer had a fever or cough. During a week-long vacation in October 2000, I went to Beijing with my son to appeal for Falun Dafa. We distributed Falun Dafa materials to tourists. As a result, I was imprisoned. And my son was then sent to a boarding school by my husband.

Years later, after I was released from prison, I saw my son again. He had grown up. He told me that once his school told students to sign a banner slandering Falun Dafa, he refused and also told others at school not to sign it.

He was over six feet tall in high school, had good study habits and excellent character. He was good to everyone and always ready to help. Teachers and classmates liked him. The girls in class thought he was dreamy and good husband material.

He was accepted by a prestigious university and received a master’s degree in finance. After graduation, he worked for a large cooperation. He continued his studies after work and passed the national judicial examinations in one try. My colleagues admired me, “Your son is outstanding even without your care for many years.” I told them that he has been guided by Falun Dafa all the time which is much better than my guidance.

Once in a dream, I saw Master take me and my son by the hand to heaven.