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Clarifying the Truth to Police Officers and Community Officials

Aug. 21, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was harassed on two occasions by police officers and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) community officials in my area. With the strengthening of Master Li, the founder of Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa), I was able to clarify the truth to them with compassion. 

Dissolving the “Zero-Out” Campaign

The local CCP officials initiated the “Zero-out” campaign in October 2021 in order to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. I did not cooperate with the authorities and refused to sign anything to betray my belief. In addition, I talk to them about Falun Gong and why people need to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated youth organizations. I also told them that the CCP virus pandemic is here to eliminate the evil CCP. However, my tone was harsh, and I treated them as if they were the ones who persecuted practitioners. I also criticized their wrongdoings. They left dejected.

Afterwards, I realized that I had omissions. A fellow practitioner said to me, “What if the roles were reversed and you became one of them, and had the opportunity to listen to a Dafa practitioner clarifying the truth? But that practitioner treated you as a persecutor and pushed you away. What if you could not listen to the truth and your mind was still full of the lies instilled by the CCP? What if you lost the opportunity to be saved and faced elimination along with the CCP?” I realized that these people have endured countless hardships over many lifetimes in order to have the opportunity to hear the truth. This is the last chance for people, and we should not let them miss the opportunity they have been waiting for.

I went out to talk to people about Falun Dafa in the early morning of May 13, 2022, World Falun Dafa Day, and was stopped at the bus station by five community officials and police officers. They did not allow me to get on the bus, and said they would follow me wherever I went that the day. One police officer said, “I know you are a good person with a lot of skills, and your cancer was cured by practicing Falun Gong.” I said to them, “You are using taxpayers’ money to monitor good people practicing the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Is this right?” They seemed dejected.

I told myself that I should treat them as people coming to hear the truth, not CCP officials watching me. I walked home, and they ordered a community official to follow me.

“You Must Also Tell Others Who Succeed Me”

I asked the person watching me the same question. He said, “No, it is not right. Let me ask you, why does the CCP want to suppress Falun Gong?” I told him, “The CCP is evil and tries to suppress anyone who tries to speak the truth. Only Falun Gong practitioners are not afraid of speaking the truth and exposing the CCP’s lies. Do you know that the CCP harvests the organs from living Falun Gong practitioners to make a huge profit?” He said, “This is worse than gangsters!”

He told me, “It seems that we have a predestined relationship. If I hadn’t come to watch you, I wouldn’t have the chance to hear those things.” I took the opportunity to tell him more about Falun Gong and persuade him to withdraw from the CCP. He agreed to do so. In the end he said, “You must also tell the others who succeed me.”

When his relief person arrived that afternoon, I also greeted him and asked him the same question I’d asked the first person. He also agreed that it was not right. He told me his job was riot control. I said, “You are engaged in riot control, and you are here to monitor a nearly 70-year-old person, a person who follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” He nodded and said, “Yes, we should not be there to monitor you. By the way, why do you have to practice Falun Gong?”

I told him, “If you truly want to know why we practice Falun Gong, you should read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa.” He said he also had family members who follow a religion. I felt he was a very kind person and I talked at length about Falun Gong to him. I also persuaded him to withdraw from the CCP and he agreed. Finally I told him, “You must understand the truth about Falun Gong!” 

People Keep Coming to Hear the Truth

The local community officials came to my home again on July 20, 2022. Since I was not at home, they called my children to warn me not to go out to clarify the truth the next day and that they would send people to monitor me.

I recalled what Master said,

“Whatever state it may appear to be in, or however things may go in society, Dafa disciples have the leading role in this world—the stage is yours.” (“2018 Fa Teaching Given in Washington, D.C.”, Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XV)

I knew I should play the leading role well and help save these people. I increased the intensity of sending forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to help me dissolve all evil factors in other dimensions preventing people from being saved.

Two community officials came to see me at 6:00 a.m. on July 21. I greeted them and asked them to be seated. I poured water for them. After I finished breakfast, I started to clarify the truth to them. I asked the same question again—whether it is right that they use taxpayers’ money to monitor Falun Gong practitioners. They agreed that this was not right. Then I told them the basic truths of Falun Gong and persuaded them to withdraw from CCP organizations. They both agreed to do so.

I also told them that Falun Gong is spreading around the world, and played some truth-calcification videos for them. I gave them the flash drive that held the videos I’d just shown them. “Please take your time to watch the grand parades of Falun Gong and all the videos about the truth of Falun Gong,” I said. “It is good for you to learn more about it.” They happily accepted the flash drive and sat in their car to watch it. Later they returned the flash drive to me and said, “We understand the truth now. We watched most of videos. They are really good!”

In the afternoon, two more people from the local community office visited me. One of them was the head. I asked them the same question as I asked the others. One said, “The CCP is crazy. I know Falun Gong is good.” I immediately advised him to withdraw from the CCP. He said, “We really had a good conversation. I am retiring soon. I will come to you to withdraw from the CCP when I retire.” I told him he could just withdraw in his heart right away. Eventually he agreed to use the alias I gave to him to withdraw from the CCP.

“Good Will Be Rewarded and Evil Will Receive Retribution”

Two local police officers stopped by again at 2:00 p.m. the same day, one of whom was the deputy chief. I kept in mind that they came to hear the truth and greeted them with a smile. I let them take a look around my home and then asked them the same question. They did not say anything.

Then I told them that I used to have lung cancer and almost died before practicing Falun Gong. One officer said, “You look to be in good spirits now.” I started to tell them what I went through. I told them that the doctors showed my CT scans to six intern doctors, saying, “Look at the lungs. Both are rotten. The whole lung rotted like mush!” The doctor wanted to do a biopsy right away and have me undergo surgery, which might have extended my life for one year. I told him I wouldn’t do it, as a lot of high-ranking officials and rich people die in the hospital in pain and fear when the hospital cannot save them.

I then said, “You once sent a police officer to monitor me, and even allocated him an office nearby. Later, when he was eating lunch with everyone, he died at the dining table at age 49!” The deputy chief said, “Yes, he even got a pension.” I asked, “Are you willing to risk your life to persecute good people just to get a pension?” They didn’t say anything more.

I continued, “This is a warning to you. I was dying. Fortunately, I started practicing Falun Gong and now I am alive and healthy. But the officer who was sent to watch and persecute me died young. He was not suffering from any illness. Don’t you understand? It is a heavenly rule that good will be rewarded and evil will receive retribution. Please believe it and abide by this heavenly rule.”

In the end I tried to persuade them to withdraw from the CCP, but they still did not say a word. Even after they left my home, I followed them out to tell them they must remember that Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forberance is good.

During the process of clarifying the truth, I could feel Master’s compassion strengthening me and opening up my wisdom. When I reflected on myself afterwards, I felt that I still did not explain some of the points thoroughly enough, which was regrettable. I must study the Fa well and truly cultivate myself in the future in order to play a better leading role when clarifying the truth to people.